The Belt and Road
Author: Zhengzhou Haloong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Time: 2017-06-20 18:36
Foreword, This is a long story, so are you ready to contribute your patience? 2 minutes.
Firstly, developing country in Asian
most of the countries in Asian are developing country. And the most they need is base installation.Well, specially the China as it have 1.4 billion people! Luckily, the Chinese people are aware of this and practice a series of reform, such as “reform and opening policies” in 1992. that a significant historical event in China.

All right ,as you see in he picture,this great reform made 1.3 billion Chinese free from hungry, poverty. And he is hational hero for China.
However, as the old saying goes, every coins has two sides.the economy give us happiness as well some social contradictions.

Secondly;the Bigest swindle in 21th.

Some people didn’t fulfill one's promise,there are still a “great” and “firm” trade barrier between China and international.
Thirdly, Jedi Counterattack.
Well, we always say that “Special cases are specially treated”. that’s the time. China was in the state of domestic strife and foreign agression. Which interiorly,Over-investment caused large capital precipitation in the area of excess capacity,resulting in waste of resources, bring about bad debts increasing, and increasing financial risks. Since 2008, inflation has been Chinese even the world's hot topic.increase of property price, more and more people can’t pay for a house even the couple have work for city all life. Internationally, China were deceived in WTO and refused in TPP,TTIP. And then, China did the third choose, the B&R.

what?who can tell me what's that?

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R) and The Belt and Road (B&R), is a development strategy proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries, primarily the People's Republic of China, the land-based "Silk Road Economic Belt" (SREB) and the oceangoing "Maritime Silk Road" (MSR). The strategy underlines China's push to take a larger role in global affairs, and the desire to coordinate manufacturing capacity with other countries in areas such as steel manufacturing.[1][2]It was unveiled in September and October 2013 in announcements revealing the SREB and MSR, respectively. It was also promoted by Premier Li Keqiang during theState visit in Asia and Europe. It was the most frequently mentioned concept in the People's Daily in 2016.