
Analysis of technical parameters of 1000T electric screw press

Author: haloong     Time: 2024-05-11 16:44:12

With the advancement of industrial manufacturing technology, electric screw presses have become indispensable equipment in many industries. Among them, the 1000T electric screw press has received special attention due to its powerful performance and wide application fields. This article will analyze the technical parameters and purchase points of this press in detail to help readers better understand and use this efficient and accurate industrial equipment.

1. Analysis of technical parameters

Nominal pressure: The nominal pressure of the 1000T electric screw press has reached 10000KN, which means the maximum allowable working pressure at a certain point before the bottom dead center of its slider. This parameter directly reflects the process capacity of the press and the range of processed product sizes, and is the main reference index for selecting the specifications of the press.

Slide stroke: The slide stroke of the press is XXmm, that is, the distance from top dead center to bottom dead center. This parameter determines the height and size range of products that the press can process.


Number of strokes: the slider from top dead center to bottom dead center and back to top dead center reciprocating once for a number of strokes, that is, a number of strokes. This parameter is directly related to the production efficiency and the speed of material deformation.

Table size: The size of the table determines the size range of the upper die seat, and the size of the slide block center hole determines the allowable size of the machining material under the die and the size of the mounting spring mechanism. Therefore, when selecting the press machine, it is necessary to ensure that the size of the table and the center hole of the slider can meet the needs of the correct installation of the mold and the size of the product.

Second, purchase points analysis

Ensure that the nominal pressure of the press is greater than the total pressure required for all processes to ensure stability and safety in the production process. The stroke of the press should meet the required size that can be obtained at the height of the product, and ensure that the product can be smoothly removed from the mold after stamping.

The closing height of the press, the size of the work table and the size of the slide should meet the correct installation of the mold to ensure the accuracy and quality in the production process.

The number of trips per minute of the slider should meet the requirements of productivity and the speed of material deformation to ensure production efficiency and product quality. Although it is not necessary to consider the motor power in general, in the special stamping process, such as the occurrence of sufficient pressure and power overload, it should be ensured that the power of the motor is greater than the power required during stamping to avoid equipment damage and production disruption.

The 1000T electric screw press is a powerful industrial equipment, and its technical parameters and purchase points need to be carefully considered according to the actual application needs.

Through in-depth understanding of its nominal pressure, slide stroke, stroke number and table size and other technical parameters, as well as the factors that should be considered when purchasing pressure, stroke, installation, production efficiency and motor power, users can better choose and use this efficient and accurate industrial equipment, bringing greater convenience and benefits to the production process.

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