
Electric screw press manufacturers pattern test machine!

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-11-29 11:04:31

In the workshop of Zhengzhou Hualong Machinery Factory, a unique trial machine test is being carried out. This is not an ordinary test, but a verification of the accuracy of the newly assembled 630T servo electric screw press. The protagonist of this experiment turned out to be the common walnut.

The engineers of Hualong Machinery chose walnut as the test object in order to more intuitively demonstrate the striking accuracy of the press. Their goal: Under the action of the press, the walnut skin breaks, while the meat inside remains intact. It sounds like an impossible task, but Hualong's engineers are confident about it.

The experiment began. There was complete silence in the workshop, and everyone stared at the press. A walnut is firmly placed in the lower part of the press. Then, the press starts, and the spiral structure begins to slowly descend.

Everyone held their breath. The spiral structure gently touches the walnut and continues to press down. Suddenly, the sound of the walnut peel cracking came, and the spiral structure immediately stopped falling. People crowded around to see the results. Amazingly, the walnut meat was intact!


The engineers at Hualong Machinery cheered. They successfully demonstrated the precise control capabilities of the 630T servo electric screw press. This press uses advanced servo technology to achieve high-precision strike control, thus meeting the production needs of different industries.

The success of this test not only verified the performance of Hualong Machinery 630T servo electric screw press, but also let people see the innovative strength of Hualong machinery in the field of machinery manufacturing. This idea of combining high-precision control with practical applications is the reason why Hualong Machinery continues to lead the market.

After the test, the engineers of Hualong Machinery recorded this experience as a strong proof of product promotion. The walnut that was successfully tested was also collected in the museum of Hualong Machinery, becoming a witness to a legendary story. The success of this test has also brought more orders and partners to Hualong Machinery. All walks of life have seen the potential of 630T servo electric screw presses, and have expressed their intention to cooperate with Hualong Machinery. With excellent product quality and innovation ability, Hualong machinery has gradually become a leader in the market.

Not only that, Hualong machinery has also applied the experience of this experiment to the development and production of other products. They constantly improve product performance, improve production efficiency, and strive to provide customers with better service. This spirit of excellence, so that Hualong machinery in the machinery manufacturing industry won a good reputation and credibility. Today, Hualong Machinery's 630T servo electric screw press has become a star product on the market. Whether it is powder product processing, auto parts manufacturing or aerospace fields, it can be seen. It has brought production convenience and efficiency improvement to all walks of life, and has also won more honors and praise for Hualong machinery.

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