
Application of 1000 tons servo electric screw press in refractory brick factory

Author: haloong     Time: 2024-05-28 17:53:49

A refractory brick factory uses 1000 tons of servo electric screw press for production, the following are several actual production cases:

Case 1: Production of high-strength refractory bricks

The refractory brick factory uses a 1000 ton servo electric screw press to produce high-strength refractory bricks. Under the precise control of equipment pressure and temperature, the density and strength of refractory bricks are improved. By optimizing the material formulation and forming process, the refractory brick produced has high strength, high wear resistance and fatigue resistance, which is suitable for high temperature environment such as blast furnace and steel mill.


Case 2: Production of thin-walled firebrick

The refractory brick factory uses a 1,000 ton servo electric screw press to produce thin-walled refractory bricks. By precisely controlling the pressure and forming time, the equipment successfully reduces the thickness of the refractory brick to a certain extent, meeting the customer's demand for lightweight and energy saving. This thin-walled refractory brick has advantages in terms of thermal efficiency and service life and is suitable for new kilns and industrial furnaces.

Case 3: Production of shaped refractory brick

The refractory brick factory uses 1000 tons servo electric screw press to produce special-shaped refractory bricks, such as plum, diamond and so on. By precisely controlling the pressure and forming path of the equipment, the factory has successfully produced refractory bricks with complex shapes. This shaped refractory brick has a better use effect in some special application scenarios, such as sealing and insulation of furnaces.

Through the above actual production cases, we can draw the following conclusions: 1000 tons servo electric screw press has a wide range of application value in refractory brick factories, can produce a variety of types of refractory bricks. Whether it is high-strength refractory bricks, thin-wall refractory bricks or shaped refractory bricks, the equipment can meet production needs and improve product quality. Therefore, choosing the right equipment and process is very important to improve the production efficiency and product quality of the refractory brick factory.

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