
In mining, what is the working principle of the powder forming press?

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-11-07 11:10:13

In mining, the working principle of the powder forming press is mainly to compress the powder through the pressing system, so that it forms the desired shape in the forming cavity. The specific steps are as follows:

Powder feeding: Metal powder is transported to the mold through the powder feeding system. The powder feeding system usually consists of a hopper and conveying mechanism to ensure that the powder is evenly filled into the mold.


Compaction: Once the powder is filled into the mold, the pressure manipulator begins to work. It compacts the powder by applying pressure so that it forms its initial shape in the mold. The purpose of compaction is to generate interaction between powder particles and improve the compactness and strength of the formed parts.

Forming: On the basis of compaction, the pressure manipulator continues to apply pressure to further deform the powder and gradually approach the final shape. At the same time, the heating system provides the required temperature to allow sintering between the powder particles to form a strong bond.

Demoulding: Finally, the demoulding system is used to remove the molded part from the forming cavity. Through this working principle, the powder forming press can press and form the powdered ore, so as to optimize the mining process, improve mining efficiency, and bring environmental protection and economic benefits.

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