
Clay brick a multi-operation process

Author: haloong     Time: 2024-08-28 18:06:28

Clay brick is a kind of traditional building brick, which is popular because of its good durability and stability. With the development of the construction industry, the demand for clay bricks is increasing, how to improve production efficiency and reduce costs has become an important issue.

In the production of clay bricks, the servo electric screw press can transform a clay brick into multiple identical bricks through continuous extrusion and shaping, so as to achieve a plurality of effects.

Preparatory work

Before using a servo electric screw press, some preparatory work is required. First of all, you need to prepare the appropriate tools and materials, such as molds, clay, water, etc. Secondly, the equipment needs to be inspected and cleaned to ensure the normal operation and cleanliness of the equipment.


Operation procedure

The use of a servo electric screw press to achieve a clay brick needs to follow the following steps:

Material selection: Select high-quality clay materials and perform necessary treatment, such as removing impurities, adjusting humidity, etc.

Mixing: Mixing clay with the right amount of water to form clay mud.

Extrusion: Clay mud is placed in a mold and extruded using a servo electric screw press to form a preliminary brick shape.

Shaping: The initial brick shape is trimmed and shaped as necessary to ensure that the size and quality of the brick meet the requirements.

Demoulding: The shaped brick is removed from the mold, and the necessary trimming and inspection are carried out to ensure that the quality and quantity of the brick meet the requirements.

Technical points In the use of servo electric screw press to achieve a long time clay brick, need to pay attention to the following technical points:

Pressure control: The pressure control accuracy of the servo electric screw press directly affects the quality and shape of the brick. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust and set according to the actual situation.

Temperature control: The plasticity and hardness of clay are temperature-dependent. Therefore, the temperature needs to be controlled according to the actual situation to ensure that the quality and hardness of the bricks meet the requirements.

Time control: The setting time of the brick and the running time of the press need to be controlled. Too long or too short setting time will affect the quality and hardness of bricks; Running time that is too long or too short will affect productivity and costs. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust and set according to the actual situation.

Mold selection: The choice of mold directly affects the shape and quality of the brick. Therefore, it is necessary to select and adjust according to the actual situation.

Material handling: The handling of clay materials directly affects the quality and hardness of bricks. Therefore, the material needs to be treated and adjusted as necessary.

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