
Zhengzhou Hualong electric screw press in Indonesia clay brick production line case sharing

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-19 11:55:40

During the construction of the clay brick production line in Indonesia, Zhengzhou Hualong faced many challenges. First of all, although Indonesia's labor costs are relatively low, the skill level and education level are generally low, which brings certain difficulties to production management. Secondly, there are big differences between local policies and regulations and domestic, which requires companies to adapt to the new market environment. In addition, how to ensure the stable supply of clay resources and how to reduce logistics costs are also urgent problems to be solved.

Despite the challenges, Zhengzhou Hualong also sees opportunities. As the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has a huge construction market demand. At the same time, the local government has also given certain policy support to the building materials industry, providing a good development environment for enterprises.


First, the solution

In order to overcome the above challenges and seize the market opportunities, Zhengzhou Hualong has adopted a series of targeted solutions. First of all, the company has selected an international advanced level of electric screw press in terms of selection, to ensure that the equipment can meet the needs of large-scale production. Secondly, in view of the skill level and education level of local employees, the company has strengthened staff training and management, and formulated strict technological processes and operating procedures. In addition, in order to adapt to the local policies and regulations in Indonesia, the company has strengthened communication and cooperation with the local government and relevant departments in order to timely understand the policy changes and make corresponding adjustments.

2. Success factors

After hard work, Zhengzhou Hualong's clay brick production line in Indonesia has achieved great success. Among them, the following factors play a key role:

Personnel quality: The company pays attention to the selection and training of employees, and ensures the stable operation of the production line by improving the skill level and professionalism of employees.

Equipment performance: The use of advanced electric screw press, improve the production efficiency, reduce the failure rate, reduce the production cost.

Production process: a set of scientific and reasonable production process has been developed to achieve smooth operation of the production line and improve product quality. Cost-effectiveness: By optimizing the production process, reducing energy consumption and material consumption and other measures, the goal of low cost and high income is achieved.

Through the case of clay brick production line in Indonesia, Zhengzhou Hualong deeply realizes the importance of technical strength and market expansion ability. In the future, the company will continue to increase investment in technological innovation and research and development, improve product competitiveness, and continue to expand domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, the company will further strengthen cooperation and exchanges with domestic and foreign enterprises to promote the industrial upgrading and technological progress of the building materials industry. In addition, Zhengzhou Hualong will also pay attention to policy changes and market demand in Indonesia and Southeast Asia to find more business opportunities and development space.

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