
Optimizing the refractory brick production line, choosing the right screw press is the key!

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-19 10:18:42

The screw press plays an important role in the production of refractory brick. In the case of actual firebrick factory automation upgrading, choosing the right screw press is the key to optimize the production line.

At present, many firebrick production lines have the problems of low production efficiency and large quality fluctuation. To solve these problems, choosing the right screw press is the key.

There are many types of screw presses. In the production of refractory bricks, servo electric screw presses are widely used. Servo electric screw press has the advantages of good forming effect, high product density, low equipment wear and so on, suitable for large-scale production.


Taking the automation upgrade of a firebrick factory as an example, the factory is replacing the existing friction press with a screw pressure of servo unceasingly. After the transformation, the production line has been automated, the production efficiency has been increased by 30%, and the product quality has been significantly improved. In addition, by redesigning the production line process and equipment selection, the plant has successfully reduced production costs and energy consumption.

Through the above case analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:

Choosing the right screw press is an important means to optimize the production line of firebrick, which can effectively improve the production efficiency and quality.

In the production of refractory brick, servo electric screw press is the ideal choice, with good forming effect and high production efficiency;

The efficiency and quality of firebrick production line can be greatly improved by automatic upgrading, but reasonable design of production line flow and equipment selection are needed.

In short, optimizing the refractory brick production line and selecting the right screw press is the key. The efficiency and quality of refractory brick production line can be effectively improved and the production cost and energy consumption can be reduced by reasonable selection of screw press and automatic upgrading. In the actual production process, it is also necessary to flexibly adjust and optimize according to specific needs to achieve continuous improvement and promotion of refractory brick production.

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