
Stop putting up with high electricity bills! Try the new iot CNC press, save money and be efficient!

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-18 15:35:42

In today's era of rising energy prices, how to reduce production costs and improve production efficiency is an important issue faced by all industries. The refractory brick industry is no exception, as one of the energy consumption industries, its production process requires a lot of power support. In order to reduce production costs and improve production efficiency, a refractory brick factory made a major decision: replace the original friction press with a CNC press.

Since the replacement of the friction press with the iot CNC press, the production cost of the refractory brick plant has been significantly reduced. The first benefit is labor cost savings. Because the CNC press of the Internet of Things can achieve high-precision pressure control, it reduces manual intervention in the production process and reduces the labor intensity of workers. In addition, this press also has low equipment maintenance costs. Traditional friction presses need to be repaired and maintained regularly, while the Internet of Things CNC press uses advanced CNC technology, which can reduce the incidence of mechanical failures and extend the service life of the equipment.


In addition to cost savings, the iot CNC press has also brought significant environmental benefits to the refractory brick factory. First of all, this press adopts advanced numerical control technology, which can achieve high-precision control of pressure and position, thereby reducing the scrap rate in the production process and reducing resource waste. Secondly, the CNC press of the Internet of Things has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, which can significantly reduce energy consumption in the production process and reduce environmental pollution.

In the actual use process, the staff of the refractory brick factory gave a high evaluation of the Internet of Things CNC press. They say the press is simple and convenient to operate, greatly improving production efficiency. At the same time, due to the reduction of manual intervention, the quality of the product has been significantly improved. Employees have said that this new type of press has brought huge economic and environmental benefits to the refractory brick factory.

Through the above analysis, we can see the important role of the Internet of Things CNC press in the refractory brick factory. It replaces the traditional friction press to achieve high precision control of pressure and position, significantly reducing production costs, improving production efficiency, and bringing environmental benefits to the plant. This new type of iot CNC press is one of the important options for the sustainable development of the refractory brick industry.

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