
Example sharing - Mullite brick factory automation upgrade road

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-17 15:55:56

Mullite Brick Factory has always been a traditional manufacturing company, focusing on the production and sale of refractory bricks. Our production scale is large, with complete production lines and first-class equipment, but in the increasingly competitive market, we face many challenges. In order to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, we decided to carry out automatic upgrading, replace the servo electric screw press, so as to save people, save electricity, save money, and improve production efficiency.

The main reason why we want to automate upgrades is because this is the market trend. With the progress of science and technology, more and more enterprises begin to pay attention to automated production in order to improve production efficiency, reduce costs and improve product quality. Mullite Brick factory is no exception, we need to keep up with market trends, meet customer needs, and lay a solid foundation for the future development of the enterprise.


In the process of automation upgrading, we also face many challenges. The first is technical. Most of our employees have no knowledge of automation and need professional training to master new technologies and equipment. In addition, the price of servo electric screw presses is higher, and we need to be fully prepared in terms of funds. At the same time, the automation upgrade needs to involve all aspects of the enterprise, and requires the active participation and cooperation of all employees.

To address these challenges, we have taken the following steps. First of all, we chose a professional equipment supplier who provided servo electric screw presses suitable for our enterprise and provided professional training for our employees. Secondly, we have signed long-term service contracts with suppliers to ensure that we receive timely help and support in the process of use. In addition, we have organized an internal technical team responsible for the planning and implementation of automation upgrades.

Through our efforts, the automation upgrade has been completed and remarkable results have been achieved. First of all, production efficiency has been significantly improved. The servo electric screw press has a higher pressing force, and the pressing time is also greatly reduced, which improves the production efficiency. Secondly, the quality of products has also been improved. The servo electric screw press has more precise pressure control and pressing accuracy, thus improving the quality and stability of the product. In addition, we have achieved energy savings. The servo electric screw press has a more intelligent energy management function, which can effectively reduce energy consumption. Finally, the working environment of the employees has also been improved. The operation of the servo electric screw press is simpler, safer and more comfortable, thus improving employee job satisfaction and work quality.

Through the successful experience of the Mullite brick factory, we can see the importance of automation upgrading for enterprises. In the case of increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises need to keep up with market trends and focus on automated production to improve production efficiency, reduce costs, improve product quality and improve the working environment of employees. Only in this way can enterprises be in an invincible position in the market competition.

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