
The magnesium carbon brick factory under environmental scrutiny: the transformation from closure to green factory

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-17 10:45:42

In this winter period of environmental protection, I would like to share an experience of our magnesium carbon brick factory. Last year, because of environmental problems, our factory was forced to close for rectification. At that time, we were deeply troubled, but we did not give up, but decided to take active measures to solve the problem of environmental protection. Today, I am pleased to report that after a year of hard work, we have achieved remarkable results.

We understand that the solution to environmental problems requires the support of science and technology. At this point, the new servo electric screw press became our right-hand man. This device is not only highly automated and easy to operate, but more importantly, it uses advanced environmental technology. While improving production efficiency, it also ensures environmentally friendly production.


Recently, our factory has been rated as a green factory by the local government, which makes us feel very happy. This is an affirmation of our efforts over the past year and an encouragement for our future development. In particular, we have received subsidies from the government. The funds will be used to further upgrade equipment, improve environmental technology and optimize production processes.

Winning the title of "Green Factory" and the government's subsidy award not only enhanced our corporate image and social responsibility, but also laid a solid foundation for our future development. However, this is not the end, but a new beginning. We will continue to improve the level of environmental protection and strive to achieve sustainable development.

Looking ahead, we will increase investment in environmental protection and promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises. We hope that through our own efforts, more enterprises will join in environmental protection actions. At the same time, we also hope that the government can give more policy support to help green enterprises like us do better in environmental protection.

All in all, the experience of this year has made us deeply realize the importance of environmental protection work. We understand that environmental protection is not only the responsibility of enterprises, but also the responsibility of the whole society. Only with the joint efforts of the whole society can the beautiful vision of sustainable development be realized. Let's work together for this goal!

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