
Under the pressure of environmental protection inspection in winter, the Internet of Things CNC press helps the magnesium carbon brick factory to cope

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-13 10:35:53

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the pressure of environmental protection inspection in winter is increasing, and traditional brick factories are facing great challenges. To address this challenge, many traditional brick factories are seeking innovative technologies and equipment to improve production efficiency and reduce pollution. Among them, the Internet of Things CNC press has been widely used in magnesium carbon brick factories, providing a new solution to cope with the pressure of environmental protection inspection in winter.

Internet of Things CNC press is a kind of press that integrates Internet of Things technology and numerical control technology, which has the advantages of intelligence, high precision and high efficiency. In the magnesium carbon brick factory, the CNC press of the Internet of Things can realize the automation and intelligent control of the production process, improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and emissions, so as to meet the environmental inspection standards.


In terms of application scenarios, the Internet of Things CNC press is mainly used in the pressing and forming process of magnesia carbon brick production. High quality production of magnesium-carbon bricks can be achieved through high precision pressure control and molding process. At the same time, the Internet of Things CNC press also has the function of data acquisition and analysis, which can real-time monitor the parameters in the production process, such as pressure, temperature, molding time, etc., so as to optimize the production process and improve production efficiency.

Taking a magnesia-carbon brick factory as an example, after using the Internet of Things CNC press, the production efficiency is increased by 30%, the energy consumption is reduced by 25%, and the scrap rate is reduced by 10%. At the same time, due to the intelligent control of the production process, the labor demand of the production site is reduced, the labor intensity of the workers is reduced, and the working environment is improved.

In short, under the pressure of environmental protection inspection in winter, the Internet of Things CNC press has a wide range of application prospects in magnesium carbon brick factories. It not only improves production efficiency and product quality, but also reduces energy consumption and emissions, which is conducive to the sustainable development of traditional brick factories. Therefore, the Internet of Things CNC press has become an important means for magnesium carbon brick factories to cope with the pressure of environmental protection inspection in winter.

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