
The secret weapon that makes the production of corundum bricks simple and efficient

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-11 10:35:03

In the field of corundum brick production, many manufacturers are facing the problem of low production efficiency and unstable product quality. However, with the emergence of the servo electric screw press, these problems have been effectively solved.

Production schedule

In the production process, a corundum brick factory is faced with the problems of low production efficiency and high scrap rate. In order to improve production efficiency and product quality, the manufacturer introduced Zhengzhou Hualong servo electric screw press. After the installation and commissioning of the equipment, the manufacturer began to use Zhengzhou Hualong servo electric screw press for corundum brick production.


Through precise control of pressure, temperature and other parameters, Zhengzhou Hualong servo electric screw press provides stable and reliable pressure output for the manufacturer. At the same time, the equipment also has the characteristics of high precision, high stability and high efficiency, which greatly shorten the production cycle, improve the production efficiency and reduce the production cost. After the use of Zhengzhou Hualong servo electric screw press, the quality of corundum brick products of the manufacturer has been effectively improved, and the rejection rate has been greatly reduced.

Device application suggestion

According to the actual production plan, the following suggestions are put forward for the use of Zhengzhou Hualong servo electric screw press:

Device installation: During the installation, ensure that the device is placed smoothly and debugged according to the instructions. At the same time, in order to ensure the safe operation of the equipment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the circuit and hydraulic system.

Commissioning: Equipment commissioning is an important link to ensure the smooth progress of production. During the commissioning process, you need to pay attention to whether the parameters such as pressure and temperature are stable and reliable, and whether the device operates smoothly.

Operation: Operators need to undergo professional training and be familiar with the functions and precautions of the equipment. In the actual operation process, it is necessary to strictly abide by the equipment operating procedures to ensure safe production.

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