
Inefficient friction press: the key factor restricting the quality of refractory bricks

Author: haloong     Time: 2023-10-09 15:35:29

The low efficiency of friction press will have a significant effect on the quality of refractory brick. On the one hand, low efficiency will lead to poor forming of brick, easy to crack, deformation and other problems. On the other hand, the inefficiency of the press will lead to the extension of the production cycle, increase the production cost, and also increase the maintenance and repair frequency of the press, increasing the operating pressure of the enterprise.

Cause analysis

The main reasons for the inefficiency of the friction press are as follows:

Insufficient capacity of the press: The capacity of the friction press is related to its working pressure, working stroke, friction surface roughness and other factors. If the press capacity is insufficient, the pressing of the refractory brick cannot be completed within the predetermined time, resulting in a decrease in production efficiency.

Transmission system failure: The transmission system of the friction press is responsible for transmitting the power of the prime mover to the working mechanism. If the transmission system fails, such as gear wear, chain slack, etc., it will lead to a reduction in the working efficiency of the press.



For the above reasons, the following solutions are proposed: Optimize the press capacity: According to the actual production needs, the working pressure, working stroke and friction surface roughness of the friction press are optimized to improve the working efficiency of the press. In addition, the press is regularly maintained and maintained to ensure its good working condition.

Repair the transmission system: check the transmission system regularly and repair the fault in time. If the gear wear is serious, consider replacing the gear; Chain relaxation can adjust the chain tension. Ensure the normal operation of the transmission system, thereby improving the efficiency of the friction press.

Actual operation

In practical applications, the solution can be implemented by following these steps:

Comprehensively check the working capacity and transmission system of the friction press to understand the actual situation of the equipment. Based on the inspection results, a detailed optimization and repair plan is developed. For example, to solve the problem of insufficient press capacity, it can be optimized by increasing the working pressure, increasing the working stroke or improving the friction surface roughness. For the transmission system fault, should be regularly checked, found fault immediately repair.

Implement optimization and remediation plans and monitor the implementation process. In the implementation process, it is necessary to pay close attention to the optimization and repair effects, and adjust the program in time to ensure the best results. Test the performance of the optimized and repaired friction press to ensure that its working performance meets the production requirements.

The optimized and repaired friction press is applied in actual production, and the quality of refractory brick is strictly controlled.

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